Christianity and social media

 Everyone has found a place to talk. Social media!. We have it all here. Some share personal opinions, while others try to educate and enlighten. Social media is a place where those who follow the some path are fed with a steady diet of lies and misinformation with the aim to discredit certain persons, institution, or country. But my concern here, is the weaponization of it as a tool to cast aspersions and discredit the church, a campaign of calumny, against the church or a prominent persons of the christian faith. Many lacking common sense and self-control can be ” carefully groomed” to see nothing good in their church, or pastors in general. Those who advocates sanity are often villified and called unprintable names. Many traffic in negative news against pastors, churches and christian institutions and many who knows little to nothing about the christian faith, tell the unwary beleivers that contributing to the church financially makes them gullible and infact, these ones are only lining the pockets of the pastors, and ironically, these socalled unsolicited advocates make thier money by pushing this unbiblical doctrines on thier platforms. To sums it up, social media is mostly a hangout for lies, malice, bigotry, hatred and a dome to manipulate the inexperience and baby christian to take destructive hate against the church and see Christianity as a scam or a white man’s religion, [as if Judaism and the Muslim faith, are from Africa]. There are many blogs and news outlet whose modus operandi, is to wallow, relish and cast clergymen in terrible light. You must develop a thick skin if you want to make a positive impact, defend your faith through your contributions on social media . Many times, the comment section is a place of sleeze, gutter language. The good the bad and the ugly, are found; comments that will make your stomach churn over; muds are thrown at parents, and insolence is serve on a platter for fathers and mothers and they curse the day you were born; It is indeed, a place where you expect the unsavoury. No one in the church herachy is spared, from the Usher to the Bishop. If you dare to point out thier ignorance,and ungodly attitude they refuse to listen to commonsense.

But, here i want to address many christians who follows the crowd and have not dared to defend thier faith in their postings, contributions to discussions, and input in the commentary sections. Is it not a shame you call yourself a christian and do not have a picture of your pastor, or the name of your church?. it is ashame when you do not mention what the lord has done for you, or shows how proud you are to be a christian in your profile. How many visits christian blogs? How many follows a christian interactive section?How many paste the next international christian event on thier page? How many can mention up to ten names of known pastors like they can of musicians? How many supports, or like a christian comment on social media? The Bible commands us in the book of Deuteronomy 6:5, And thou shalt love the LORD thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy might. Let us show this love by loving, respecting and honoring all that stands for our God. we are different or rather, ought to differ from others this was the ways of life adopted by the early believers that earned them the name ‘CHRISTIANS’. See Acts 11:26, And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch.

Matthew 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

Caution: Jesus said, Matthew 10:32 Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven. I want to encounrage you to be proactive with your faith; declare it,proclaim it and live the life, to the admiration of others.



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