MUST ATTEND A CHURCH THAT BELIEVE IN PROSPERITY. The pupilt is what tranforms and build a man. When a pupilt is powerful with the word of God it translates into the life of the people in the pews. When a pastor receives a word concerning healing, prosperity, faith in God, whatever he receives when delivered like a good messenger, not missing it it will robs off on the congregation; that is a church. It is not all the time that God may have a specific word for the church , but it rests on the pastor to give the word like he ought to. See Romans 1:16, For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. When the word from the pupilt is weak it will give birth to lukewarm christian who are neither strong nor weak. see Revelation 3:16, So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.If you are really active in your local church then what you display, the believe you hold, and the faith you exercise all comes from the message; you are a product of your church. It is the pupilt that forms thechristian on the street. There are denominations who do not believe in financial prosperity and they make ample quotations from the bible and zero in on the master returning soon. Every church has it own doctrine and all who attends that church has that believe robs off on them. It is hard to rise above your believe. Not all churches can minister to your need nor delivers the gospel like you think it should be. please attend a church that can minister to your need without apology to anyone. If a man has a cancerous turmoil and his physician told him has has but a short time to live and a church believe God can heal him what stops him from attending such a church? If you believe in door to door evangelism and your church would rather urge you to donate so that it can go on air with the gospel then what are you doing there? Be wary of the man you call your pastor; watch him what makes him tick? what are his values? how does he see the word of God? Is he passionate about known th mystery of the gospel? does he have passion for what the bible says? Your pastor is your shepherd and all flows from him to you and not the other way round. When the congregation propsers it is the result of whatever doctrine or believe the church holds and where they believe in seeing witches and wizards, they will indeed, see a lot of them. so what does your church believe? does it meet your need? [minister] The church that do not believe in generosity always remain in lack compare that to those who believe go see them prosper.


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