The Garden of Eden an ideal place, a paradise [no pain no sufferying and no death]

Adan, created by Elohim, with of love and was given Authority and responsibilities; Name the animals and dress the garden. Authority for you are higher than the Animals and design the garden , utilizing the initiatives inbuilt in him.

Adan was blessed through a tripartite blessing: replinish the eath, multiply and be fruitful.

Instruction was spelt out to Adam and freedom was given ,consequences of disobedience was made known.[for what is love if no freedom is given, God's righteouness makes it imperative that he forewarns Adam of the wages of sinning.

Alas! man fell and consequences must follow otherwise, the idea of a righteous God will be ridiculous, for what good judge ,does not punish a mass murderer?;The idea of acquitting a murderer make him a bad judge. This sin was transferred to all men born thereafter. It is the original sin that condemns man today; it is like a drug addict who gave birth. Chances are that the child will be an addict, if a man with AIDS sleeps with an innocent woman, chances are that innocent woman will be affected.

Innocence was lost and Adam knew he was naked and went and hid himself.

Indeed, your sin will find you out. God asked Adam, who told you that you are naked?

A foretaste of the permanent sacrifice was done by God[ HE sewed them a fig skin to cover thier sin just like 'the sin offering,' was to cover our sin as a temporal measure till his love for man will spur him to give a permanent solution. Jesus was to become the permanent solution, the perfect lamb, that takes a way sin like John the Baptist announced in the book of John. Jesus, shedding his blood for us all, cleansing us from that Original sin that condemns us before God.

That is why Jesus is called "the last Adam' see 1 Corinthians 15:45, And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.1 Corinthians 15:22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.

After the sin of Adam and God's pronouncement, he was sent out of the Garden for two reasons: so he can not eat from the tree of life and second he faced the consequence of his disobedience, for there is always consequences. Mercy, a relaxation of justice and justice, a refusal of mercy, but a balance was found in the death of Jesús as a punishment. And in mercy, we are spared.!

The ground is the foundation of blessings and increment; so God cursed the ground and says Adam was only going to eat from the ground through his sweat.

Adam started to die immediately. He ate that fruit and thus death was introduced into the world in that Garden, but we have no part in the second death. Revelation 2:11, He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death.



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