
Showing posts from 2009

The iniation of redemption in the Garden of Eden

The birth of Christ was the initiation of God's plan that will ultimately led to his death which will bring about Man's redemption via his death[Christ] thus, Christmas shows us how much God,the father, loves us. 'let us make man in our own image'. they say to all things have a purpose here, we see the purpose of creation man was based on love hence, he was created in HI image and likeness. God's fellow shipping with man in the evening shows love and companionship. giving Man dominion over all other creatures shows delegation of authority. God's tripartite blessings of multiplication,fruitfulness and replenishment as stated in genesis 1:28 shows divine approval. God commanded Adam to eat all in the garden shows freedom in the mist of abundance. Asking Man to dress the garden shows that Man is to exploit the talents,and innate gift deposited in Man, his imagination and conceptual powers for the betterment of the world he lives in: Man was to enjoy work with all p...


Am going to be short and straight to the point without cutting corners. One, in marriage there is indeed, the loss of one's freedom , but it is for good of the individual cause you give it up that you might enjoy a better freedom that is mutually beneficial. But the word 'selling' is inappropriate knowing, that if you sell you get another thing of your choice. Like when Brother Esau in the bible sold his birthright for a morsel of pottage.[Genesis25:29-33] In marriage, all you get is mutual: mutual benefit,mutual failure like in the case of Ananias ans Sapphira both perished see acts of the apostles chapter five. So the first answer to come you must see it clearly that there is no Individual in marriage, but twosome that have become one in the sense of mission and responsibility.Jesus said the two shall become one. So how does that add up if Mary is standing at the bus stop and you just saw David in the super market? no they are still two individual but in action and purpos...


Cliches,perception,policy creed and proverbs are like double edged sword.they can influence our life positively or negatively,to an extend we are wont to think. They are are like the cruise control in your auto.What disaster, therefore, when you imbibe the ones that limits you,curb and suppress your inner most personality and innate quality from reaching your heights. creeds and proverbs have been from old and many have empowered a lot and have equally send many to the trash bins of history. It behooves the Christians to be very careful when inculcating a philosophy and a proverb. A wrong one in the bible is seen in the old testament; it most have been bought by a majority of the populace for it to attract the comments of God almighty [see Ezekiel.18: ]when a wrong philosophy, creed or perception is brought in to guide and give direction to life, all about us will be wrong. Like a house is tilted in erection because the foundation is faulty.It is like looking through a dust stained...


I would like to submit that dedication means different things depending on what occasion it is used.i am zeroing on child dedication because that is what is slated for the 13Th of December. because i do not want any one to be part and parcel of what he can not explain or give reason for the event,this has prompted this article. Dedication in religious circle means things, buildings objects and even Men being set part for God.For with dedication comes holiness because nothing can be said to be holy without dedication to God to be used of him. Candles, vessels are called holy because they are for the use in the service of God.Exodus40:9-10,1kings8:22-53. God do not compel any one to dedicate his child to him, but it is being done on your own volition and personal conviction and faith. We are free morals agent and still have the power to choose what we do with our lives. Hannah, the mother of the little boy ,Samuel, voluntarily gave his only son to God because she had vowed earlier, to gi...


Recently,as head of the Guobadia family, i introduced the recent addition to the family to close ones and well-wishers who were around. He was welcome to this world on 13th October 2009. We held the small gathering in our abode in Heesterveld 13. It house was jammed packed , but-was a lively occasion with joy and laughter resonating. i presented my third child in 5 years whom i fondly call 'the overflow'. this is because this baby shows God's overflow in our lives. it was a gathering of pastors and others well wishers and i could not help , but turned it into a small prayer meeting, allotting prayer topics to the pastors and elders present. I liken the conception of a child and the eventual delivering, like the conception of goals and aspirations, saying, goals and aspirations must never be left to remain a 'still born' ,but must be birthed through travails in prayers. The high light of the occasion was the giving of names by all present to the baby and finally,...

BovenIJ Ziekenhuis

BovenIJ Ziekenhuis

Instruments of righteouness and distractions.

One of the issue you have no power over when preaching the good news is the campaign of defamation that the enemy unleashes against you. Many will say how much sin you have reveled in and point out the fact that they have always known you and even yesterday, you committed another atrocity,which is your stock in trade, but to their consternation today, just today, you are professing to have received Christ and claiming to be a 'born again'.Such stuff and nonsense that is least expected from somebody like you.[see acts of the apostles:9:21] Yet, others are witnesses to the power of God to changed life[2corinthias5:17 and have heard of how God has become so real in your life and how you go about converting others to Him but, just would not like to admit the hand of God in all of this but,would rather remember your yesterday and wasted years 'this boy of yesterday? wonders shall not end'. He grew up in my hands yesterday and now see how big he has grown'. These cl...

1timothy6:10 revisited [inlight of kidnapping]

That a pastor was recently found to be involved in a case of kidnapping of a child, under his pastoral care. whether he resides in Mexico, Manila,Cape or Cairo is immaterial he is a pastor of a church.My shock was not as a result of the news, but how people will react when they hear of it.What on earth could have pushed a brother that have made a commitment to do the work of God and lead others to God, exposing satanic influence in our society, how to avoid it and keep oneself free from it's grip and hold. I cringe when i think of the laughter of the scorners and the mirth of those with out.The thought that came to my mind was the Bible's admonition that we should take heed those of us who thinks we are standing firm.[1Corinthians10:12] i can see it clearly now why we who thinks we stand should always take heed: Little by little Satan can use a lot of negative and flashing pictures to erode our faith, to make us feel we have made mistake concerning our choice to live for ...

News -- Rivers: SSS parades Pastor, girlfriend over abduction

News -- Rivers: SSS parades Pastor, girlfriend over abduction Shared via AddThis


No doubt , at one time or the other we have been in a situation that made us very anxious over the condition of health of some loved one. Few weeks ago, members of Covenant of grace family church experienced that. A beloved sister had to go in for some minor operation to remove some discomfort; boy! was the body full of anxiety? it is so much felt when the one involve will be leaving a space not easily filled.We all counted the weeks,the days and finally,the d day came. How did we sailed through? what keep us cool and collected at the very hour? How do you handled a situation where just have to wait and hope for the best, knowing, too , it could also turn out to be the worst? How do you pray when confronting a difficulty at the moment? In this regard, we drew our strength from stored up prayers. I believe prayers can be stored up to be used when it is needed most, like a conserved energy. I draw this conclusion from the prayers of Cornelius as written in the book of Acts of the ap...


One of the birthdays stories ever told in the new testament turned out to be anticlimax when a scheming woman saw an opportunity in the loose words of the celebrant and got the most priced trophy; the head of John the baptist , beheaded on her daughter's request. A man described as the greatest born of woman, by our lord and savior Jesus Christ.see story in the book of Mark6:20-27. This sad incidence has lead many to out rightly banned the celebration of birthdays.Others called it the evil thing invited by Satan and yet, others make a doctrine out it: Christians must never indulge in such worldly pleasures as birthdays. August28 is my birthday and i am not here to give any postulations concerning the subject ,but rather, to ask of the Lord something; after all a woman asked for the head of a great man and got it.How much more will the Lord give to those who asked Him of the Holy Spirit. My desire to ask for these three request is informed by the knowledge that Master, is able t...


In the book of 1timothy3:1, the bible makes it conspicuously clear that to desire the office of a Bishop is a good thing: it does not tantamount to over ambition or pomposity .Personally, i think any one who decides to answer to the call of God has been altogether courageous. I say that because we all are too aware of the ungodliness,spiritual decadence and lifestyle alienated from the ways of God which permeates our world today;We live in a world all wants to do what seems right in their sight,overindulge his carnal cravings, no matter what that may be.What we hear every where is 'do it as long as you do not disturb your neighbor. Morality has been thrown over board. If in the above scenario any one decides to live for God, i beg your pardon, should not such a one be commended for deciding to take the narrow part? How many men in a given lineage opts to follow God's part? We all know the scrutiny,the Criticism,the scorn. It behooves those on this tight part to depend on...

Persecution Report

Persecution Report Shared via AddThis persecution is what any true Christian would experience.It has many faces depending on your circumstance and where you. If you dwell in a land where it is forbidden to preach,teach or witness for Christ the consequences could be range from outright imprisonment to death.In in different environment like the workplace of a secular country, you are victimized or even pass over during promotion and other benefit; situation abound of Christians who are often denied of their rights as staff in an organization where the boss belongs to a different faith or is an atheist altogether. Thank God for the presence of the Holy spirit who comforts,and strengthens those facing persecution. Persecution, in whatever measure from all intents and purposes is to break the resolve of the persecuted and to put the pleasure on and on till they deny their faith otherwise they will be chasing what they can not get. The ultimate strength for the persecuted is the Holy Spirit...

Missing it where it matters.

Pray God not to develop cold feet when the victory is at hand.there is a Proverb my father used to tell us. About a goat who desired to leak up a pitch of snuff, but in the process blew the stuff away with breath from his nostril. In psalms78:9 we read a pathetic story that was to change the course of event and alter the history of the tribe of Ephraim. Let us read it here together, Psalms 78:9 The children of Ephraim, being armed, and carrying bows, turned back in the day of battle. From the onset this was one tribe favored of God see  Genesis 48:14-19 And Israel stretched out his right hand, and laid it upon Ephraim's head, who was the younger, and his left hand upon Manasseh's head, guiding his hands wittingly; for Manasseh was the firstborn. And he blessed Joseph, and said, God, before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked, the God which fed me all my life long unto this day, The Angel which redeemed me from all evil, bless the lads; and let my name be named on ...