
Showing posts from 2011


How do you provoke God to pour out his blessing upon you despite the gloom being predicted by the expert for the fast approaching 2012? one can hardly see any brightness in the horizon when pitched against their conclusion. 'And it came to pass as the man of God has spoken to the king, saying, two measures of barley for a shekel and a measure of flour for a shekel, shall tomorrow about this time in the gate of Samaria. And that lord answered the man of God and said, now, behold, if the lord should make windows in heaven, might such a thing be? And he said, behold thou shall see it with thine eyes , but shall not eat therefore'. [ Bible, king James version] When there is so much gloom, so much despair, filling the air of our tomoorw and marring our hope of the future one can not, but utter in the negative like the Lord in the aforementioned bible passage. it takes a strong faith not to believe when men , skilled and tried in economic affairs and global economic shifts with ...


I bring greetings to the young men becau s e it is you that God has given the mandate to carry vision. The bible says the old men shall dream dreams ,but young men has been given the most important task: which is to carry the vision. This is so because it is you that has been endowed with strength, energy, vigor and enthusiasm to carry on the heavenly task.[Joel2:28] I bring greetings to the women because it is your devotion and loyalty that makes praise to flow. And with that comes the presence God almighty into the Sanctuary: your position is so important for without HIS presence our gathering will be like any other gathering devoid of spiritual undertones. I bring greetings to the youth, because you own the future. A church without youth can not be certain of the future. Look around us today, in the vicinity of Europe we see many majestic buildings that once housed churches, but presently abandoned because the present generation do not want to follow after God like their fo...

Viewpoint: Marriage: Nigerian pastors as slave drivers

Viewpoint: Marriage: Nigerian pastors as slave drivers


This could be you am talking to. As we travel the bumpy road of life, we often come across borders that dares our focus,mountains that speak loudly to our fears, barriers and barricades that wants us to beat retreat like a dog with it's tail between it's legs. Everyday, out there, discouragement laced with despair seems to be in the air we inhales and the water we drink. this kind of scenario exerts it's toll in the bravest amongst the brave and consequently, it tells on our Christianity. All this daily events and scenes are carefully scripted and sculptured into our lives by the enemy, Satan ,Diabolos, the Devil, at the slightest opportunity.[1PETER5;8]. Those who pride themselves on believing only what they can see, touch, feel, touch, smell and hear besoms a cheap tool in the hands of the devil: he makes sure they see evil, hear evil,feel evil and smell evil. he magnifies wars, blood bade, and hunger. All of these has one purpose: to erode your faith in God and consequ...


'But there is a spirit in man:and the inspiration of the almighty give them understanding'. the book of job32:8. 'before i formed thee in the belly i knew thee and before thou came out of the womb i sanctified thee and ordained thee a prophet unto the nations'. the bible book of Jeremiah 1:5. Good morning this morning or whatever time it is you are reading this blog. Straight to the subject; let us start with the latter biblical statement accredited to God , the almighty. Firstly, it means man exists in eternity past therefore, we can deduce that no man is born without God's awareness. It also means every man must have a purpose to fulfill while he is alive in the cosmos system. Again, we come in contact with the word 'ORDINATION'. There is a different between ordination and destiny. Ordination, carries with it a divine power to fulfill whatever task you have been called to do while on earth and no man, can stop it or interfere with it. It also can not be c...

Egyptian Military Council Buried Church Bombing Case

Egyptian Military Council Buried Church Bombing Case


I carefully parked my car in my favorite sport, adjusted the sit and and started to read the Daily news paper. I usually keep dailies and small pocket books in the car whenever there is a waiting time such as this. it was when i lifted my head that i saw the church bus. It was the inscription on the panel that gave rise to this post. It was a blue color van and the Words were in white bold lettering.I have heard many idioms and adages that are contrary to what God says about his people such as 'all fingers are not equal', 'God help those who help themselves'.In the book of Ezekiel18:2-3 we are confronted with a scenario which God almighty rebuke in the land of Israel. these days there are many more idioms, proverbs and witty sayings which runs contrary to the word of God. I was starring at the inscription on that church bus: the name of the church then followed by this: motto: it is all about character '. There is something missing here, i thought. If it is about...

Downloading the power that raised Christ from the dead

The miracles, the wonders, the healing, the signs, the so called claims of being God, himself, were all put to test during the death of the Man called Jesus of Nazareth. Wherever he went he never failed to notice the sick and give healing. Mathew5:8,Luke4:38, restore sight to the blind Mathew9:27, deliverance to the demon possessed Mathew9:32.Miraculously turning water into wine John2:1-10,and even raising the dead. John11:43-44. All these were put to the test when he died. It is hard enough to do these miracles and wonders and even harder, for the performer to raised himself from the dead. It was the litmus test which heaven and earth awaited with eagerness and great anticipation. for failure to raise himself from the dead as he promised would have rendered all the former miracles, sings and wonders fake.John10:17-18, But when the time came after three days, the three that approved him in river Jordan[God the father, Christ himself and The Holy Ghost. see Mathew3:16-17 were also the...

mike bamiloye movies - Google Search

mike bamiloye movies - Google Search


Thoughts for tweets:'those who are divinely connected will outpace those that are better qualified'. well, keep that up your sleeve for a convenient time to chew on it, but do not delay. For Eternal truth are indeed, reveal to those who seek for it. when we get to know some things we stop sweating for some things. for all that is needed as we journey, looking for our reason of being here is already there, laid in store by the conqueror for us via the sacrifice of the conqueror who made us more than conqueror[john19:30], but faith, is what is needed to download our desires to the rim of the physical, for our enjoyment and physical consumption. For all that is good and lovely comes from above. see james1:17, psalms18:16. Child of God, learn to look to heaven for earthly solutions. The bible, lamented, in the book of Hosea4:6,'for my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge'. There are those who will make excuses for not seeking God's face for provisions. They sa...


The very day a christian surrenders to the lordship of the lord Jesus Christ, he equally placed yourself in the book of the Devil. And he will fight you with all at his disposal, believe me. The Devil is the master of networks from the air, from the land, from under the earth and even from your household he has them to fights, nevertheless the lord Jesus Christ has made provision for your victory if only the Christ follows it.Hallelujah! Satan is the ache enemy [he is our antagonist in every areas; then he has a network of one, those who will do spiritual things to harm us, two those who stop short of spiritual things, but will do any thing in the physical to harm us, three,those who will not harm us ,but will rejoice or wish our down fall normally we call them detractors or opposition. To the christian, there will always be enemies, hating you for no just cause rather, for the fact you are a child of light and have renounced every works of darkness. Child of God know this fact today: ...


This year, 2011 has been prophetically declared as the year of ' SPEED AND RESTORATION ;. There is nothing new in the working formula of God. He has not change ever since the crossing of the red sea, nor has he changed in the way he brought down the walls of Jericho or the feeding of the five thousands in the desert. He is the unchanging changer. In bringing into our lives what we ask or what we desires God has a record of never failing to all those who dared to believe[mark9:23] First, you must know how it works. God is ever honor bound to bring to pass his promises , but we are equally duty bound to obey and follow the right principles and do what is required to activate such blessings.Knowledge is paramount when we are seeking and looking. Here is how to key into your year of speed and restoration and i pray that you will not only read this, but will inculcate it into your heart so as to apply it into your life or situation. Speed is needed when you are in haste in reaching a d...