
Showing posts from 2010

Our month of thanksgivings

Right from day one of the month of December[month of decision making] it has been busy indeed, for the ministry. Thee was so much activities done by members alleluia.This culminated in the ministry's annual thanksgivings held on the 12th of the same month. Last year the church was not led to organize an activity to mark this day of thanksgiving, but we were all grateful for the manifold blessings, too.This year was different and so we had a ball with members and well as invitees. Pastor Moses Iyekekpolor was the guest speaker from Den Hague. the first lesson was read by Elder j. Ebule. Pastor Joshua led the service from one program to another. GRATITUDE This is an expression of appreciation born out of thankfulness to another for being there for you in during a need.It is sad that some have had a bad experience from helping out some one who appear to be in a position of needing help. how do you explain a woman with a fa...


It is sheer hypocrisy to laugh when others falls or makes a big mistake that has the potential to bring to a halt a budding political career or bring down a growing ministry. We hear it every day, yet, people still go ahead to make the same mistake having just witnessed how it affected the other man. I have said it before and will say it again, it is not the sin that matters, but your inability to confess it before God. For there is no sin that has no cleansing in the blood of Jesus, our lord and savior.Not learning from other mistakes is the result of the "Ada mic" nature we have.[The inherited nature from our forefather, Adam. It is like a gene. 2samuel16:5-14. as a result of King David's adulterous sin and murder he opened the flood gate of trouble into his household. When a man who is suppose to be the head of his household wallow in sin there will be trouble in his household. We make the Devil to question God's protection and continued loving kindness over us. Si...


'THE WALL OF JERUSALEM ALSO IS BROKEN DOWN AND THE GATE THEREFORE ARE BURNED WITH FIRE' [NEHEMIAH1:3B] Am a preacher in case you do not know and i want to address the malaise in the Nigeria polity from a biblical point so as to see the way forward from the spiritual and developmental mire we as a people have found ourselves.Of a truth,Nigeria at 50 have nothing to be proud off: things are getting more and more difficult for the average Nigerian.Many Nigerians like myself, lament the chaos we see in our body polity, and other sectors.I lament the spate of kidnappings that has refuse to abate,that has turned some beloved state in my beloved country into a lawless state.One of the basic need of a citizen is security of lives and properties , but at present both can not be guaranteed in my country,Nigeria. You will agree with me that this is not the best of times to party, You will agree with me that a man who can not find his bearing at 50 years of age has a long way to go.I ca...


This is for the catholic ministry. yes, despite the spate of allegations making the rounds and of course proven facts, i still give it to the catholic for somethings.I still stand to say, that despite it all the catholic still boast one of the best in discipline and accountability with respect for institution. In my country , Nigeria, the Catholics missions boast a place of discipline and excellence for education than any other institution. The problem of the catholic priest was created by the catholic ministry.Celibacy is a gift from God to some , but never a calling.the idea of expecting all priests to be celibate was the undoing of the catholic ministry in Vatican.Asking men to live celibate lives is fighting the natural inclination that is inherit in man, created by God himself. If not for this scandal, tell any institution that is better than the catholic mission.?Their lives are devoid of greed so prevalent in the pentecostal ministry, rebellious spirit and insubordination are n...


I have twitted more than two hundred thughts and insight on my account guobadia02. Recently,i posted a thought.'it is better to be a nobody in Haven than a king in Hell', because i use facebook as a secondary network all my tweets automatically appear on my wall. A beloved sister, Ann,saw the reflection on faceook and poised a question on my wall, 'he first one is the one sir is there a nobody in Heaven?'. well sit down and hold on to your chairs while we look in to scriptures concerning this question. Like i replied her, the word 'nobody' is an understatement, but that does not nullify the fact that there are rewards in heaven. Even though, we all will walk the streets paved with gold. HEAVEN:from the bible we got to know that there is three places rreferred to as heaven. The first which is visible to all is the 'Atmosphere' . you can see this reference in the book of Job35:5. The second place referred to as heaven is the stellar universe [high heave] s...


Recently, a good friend forwarded to me a litany, of complain or should i say beef that a gentle leveled against 'The Nigeria pastors'. I went through it all and sadly enough, the accusations does not hold any water, but just from a human point of under awareness of what the scriptures says about the work of the ministry. Here i shall carefully spell out the complain and address them in case you have entertained same or just to make you of knowledge and apologetic. I have since written a reply and forwarded it to all concerned, but never a word of acknowledgment have i received both from he who forwarded it to me or the originator. Firstly, he accuse the pastors of flying on jets planes instead of building factories. Well, that looks reasonable from a carnal point of view. In Nigeria we have over two denominations and some of these churches have as many as three hundred branches and the least of about 5 years has an average of one branch. Each of these branches have at least tw...


There is nothing absolutely wrong to dream of a goal we want to achieve under one month, year or even a decade. There is nothing wrong with inspirations, indeed, God said, 'occupy till i come'. Meaning keep yourself busy, innovative, improve and contribute to the world you are living. [Luke19:13] For me, i believe it is really a shame for any individual to leave the world without having contributed any thing in any wise. I earnestly believe that one of the first duty of man when he comes of age is to seek and inquire of the Lord the purpose of his being here on earth. When we fail to do this we stand the risk of being rudderless; drifting wherever circumstance and prevailing conditions takes us and that is dangerous and a blue print for failure. The bible says in the book of proverbs29:18, 'where there is no vision the people perish'. In the book of Genesis11 from verse one, we are confronted with a typical example of what looks right and wonderful, but before God, i...


RELATIONSHIP!from the onset God the father, desires a relationship with man even after the fall of man in the Garden of Eden.There and then in the Garden of Eden, he made provision for man's redemption which was to come in the future.[The seed of the woman] Invitations are given in the books of Isaiah and Mathew respectively.The prophet Isaiah cried out with a holy passion,'come now, and let us reason together,saith the lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow;though they be red like crimson they shall be as wool'. And Mathew echoed,'come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and i will give you rest'. God only starts blessings after a relationship has been established through his son, Jesus Christ.Many a time we hear men say, there is nothing you need that God can not give you because HE loves you'. True, God loves us, but without having a relationship with God via his son [Jesus Christ] there is no way he can be moved to...

Hearing God's voice.[1]

The importance of being in a joyful state for every child of God can never be over emphasized.It is in a state of joyfulness that brings down the voice of God from the spiritual rim to your physical hearing. Joy must be in place before you can understand the things of the spirit.without Joy no revelation.[Isaiah12:3] If you are not a happy son of God you will not be a winning son of God. somebody once said, 'happiness is not found, it is created'[Deutoronomy28:47-48] it is compulsory to be happy, it is dangerous to be sad for sadness will brake your defenses. ye shall have a song, as in the night when a holy solemnity is kept; and gladness of heart , as when you go with a pipe to come in to the mountain of the lord, to the mighty one of Israel, and the lord shall cause his glorious voice to be heard..[Isaiah30:29:30] When will He cause his glorious voice to be heard? Only when you come to Him with a song and with gladness of heart!! if there is no gladness of heart, you bec...


Every now and then we revisit our old files, to see if there are some papers to be discarded after some many years in the case. So it was that i stumble on this wonderful creed i want to share with you. it was written with ink so i do not know for sure where i first saw it, but it once again appealed to me and i decided to share it and store it before doing away with the almost shredded sheet of paper. Here it is: Succeed at home first. Seek and merit divine help. Never compromise with honesty. Remember the people involved. Hear both side before judging. Obtain counsel of others. Defend those who are absent not condemn. Be sincere yet decisive. Develop one new proficiency a year. Plan tomorrows' work today. Hustle while you wait. Maintain a positive attitude. Keep a sense of humor. Be orderly in person and work. Do not fear mistakes, fear the absence of creative, constructive and corrective response to those mistakes. Facilitates the success of others. Listen twice as much as you s...


In honor to all mothers and that includes mine, i want to highlight some of the wonderful peculiarities to all mothers that have kept most men and women close to their mothers through all these years. ONE:the making of a child involves the father and mother, but the mothers , but the mother have the privilege of carrying the child before birth wherever she goes. TWO: It is the mother that can feed the child whatever she eats via the umbilical cord while still on the inside. THREE:The first voice and face that a baby recognize is that of her mother FOUR:The body heat that the baby needs is not really from her father, but her mother FIVE:It is the mother who is the first teacher that teaches the baby something. SIX: Some fathers still dares to disown a child, but can a mother dare that? SEVEN:It is the mother that generally molds the character of a child while the father plays the role No matter what you might have against her she is still your mother love her honor her adore her at leas...


God's blessings are like empowerment to enable you live your life on earth to the fullest. It is God's approval of your ways on earth.There is no other place in the bible that talk about blessing like the book Deuteronomy28:1-7. am just going to throw more light on some verse by way of explanation. Verse2 If you are conversant with your bible you will have noticed that there is a blessing that is on the inside of you, but here we are made familiar with another Kind that goes ahead to open doors,remove barriers from our way. that is why it overtakes you. Verse:3 In the city means your presence, appearance. in the fields means your place of work. Verse:4 Fruit of the body means your offspring shall, be healthy. Verse:5 Basket means your financial state. or bank account Verse:6 coming and going out means protection as you move up and down. Verse:7 Assurance that God will keep your enemy at bay.

What Easter means to a believer.

That the name Easter was really a pagan festival can not be disputed or looked over. Christianity. Glossing over fact do not make us committed Christians than we are ignorant. Claims examined should not make us feel uncomfortably. Those who are afraid of Apologetic regarding their christian faith are not ready to study to show themselves approved of God like the bible commends us. Fighting over whether Easter was a pagan festival is an unnecessary waste of time and a diversion from the sum and substance of Christianity which is RESURRECTION POWER. A little light will suffice on EASTER. The name comes from the Saxon word [Esotre] meaning a goddess of the place [this case of Saxon] At the same time of these sacrifices coincided the Jews festival of Passover which was only popular with the Jews who were in the minority at that time.It is no use denying it that at this said time this pagan festival was more popular than the Jews festival of 'Passover'. Because the Resurrection of C...


Am double sure anyone in my shoes will feel elated to be going back to home for a visit after such a long absence. How time flies! Despite the volatile political situation over there, i have made up my mind to make it a time to reminisce about after it is long over. My first task was to sit down and garner information from friends that just came back,news papers clippings,and telephone conversations with loved ones over there. Then, i quietly sat down to do my home work: Climate very hot[as i would expect]i packed a handful of tee shirt,Need a hundred Naira note to get a trolley [No kidding, thought those were airport property like here]if you do not have that you may be paying more for it and with hard currency. They have a knack of knowing you have just flown in:remove the tags from your luggage's. If you have a friend or relation let he come pick you up otherwise the taxi driver will skin you for more than you should pay for a fare. Just disembarked from the flight? look for a...


There more than 1,000[ONE thousand]kinds of pronouncements in the bible that are termed blessings; thus blessings are indeed in manifold. much have been said with blessings yet not many of situations or things equated with blessings are indeed blessings. For example, many have the erroneous view that being awash with a lot of money shows blessings. If this is true how come that many who are carrying out activities which is are at variance with the laws of the land are wealthy and have fleets of cars and flotilla of aircraft? if you say it is blessings from God would a righteous God who can not stand sin and thus turned away his face and forsook His only begotten son on the cross now turn around again to give an approval in the mists of iniquities? to say the least, many blessing do not come in form of cash-flow but in different ways. I shall take time to give some examples:When a man enjoys good health and his kids do not bring shame on him or give him cause to worry that itself is a b...


The undoing of many Christians last year,2009, was their determination to achieve, using their personal might and power,but when we got saved it was an exchanged that took place: all forgone that Christ may become all. when Grace is removed from our language, the result will become SWEAT and labor under a curse to get what you desire. I dare say, that for the last decade, our pews were littered with men of little faith who, trusted in their power,might ability skills and connections; I agree that it is the pulpit that makes the man[But will you know o man that God what the center stage and not until you make Him your all He will cause you to see HIS glory in your life?. Laying all at HIS feet is the best way to get all. for life struggles is not won with determination or skills. when trouble knocks at your door it does not respect who you know or your pedigree. This is the beginning of a new year and a new decade. it is where you place HIM, God he will operate from in your life.In this...